NYTimes: The Face of Modern Slavery http://t.co/p63JLCgk # NYTimes: Ilya Zhitomirskiy Dies at 22; Co-Founded Social Network http://t.co/GaKzjqU7 # NYTimes: Medical Nuances Drove ‘No’ Vote in Mississippi http://t.co/naVsZwFZ # NYTimes: A Place at School Where Students Can Unload Stress and…
Author: Cat
Court Of Appeals of Iowa Fails to Resolve Whether Facebook Photos Trigger Rape Shield Rule Analysis http://t.co/xab4yiaq # iWrite Assistant :: http://t.co/qae4Leqp # Statistics and Storytelling — Why We Need Them Both in Science :: http://t.co/QqzgNtMh # Three Ways to…
NYTimes: Rushdie Runs Afoul of Web’s Real-Name Police http://t.co/tW9R0Qm3 # NYTimes: City Reopens Park After Protesters Are Evicted http://t.co/WWJ0wjIx # Powered by Twitter Tools
Dan Cohen's Digital Humanities Blog » Evans and Cebula on Academic Blogging :: http://t.co/COMv53tI # Education news nuggets :: http://t.co/1b1wGxzC # Accessibility in a Digital Age 1.5 :: http://t.co/ePTTEh8Q # Text Your Classes Easily with Remind101 :: http://t.co/wqf0nyvu # Powered…
NYTimes: Accolades for Rooney, a Doubter of Accolades http://t.co/5Et752e2 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Blogging as a Feminist (Unpaid) Method :: http://t.co/kTUv0mc2 # Occupy Rape Culture :: http://t.co/YVPzhzTT # What's Wrong with Teaching Our Kids to Be Involved? :: http://t.co/SfTbBggV # Powered by Twitter Tools
Historian on the Edge: Professor Grumpy's Ten Top-Tips for Academic Writing :: http://t.co/0ZHXDwJA #writing #highered # Blogging for promotion: an immodest proposal | Neuroanthropology :: http://t.co/GmqoKBBd #blogging #highered # How Disruptive is Digital Publishing? :: http://t.co/vYCcmYX6 #digitalpublishing #ebooks # TED…
Sabbatical Diary: The Shadow of Self-Doubt :: http://t.co/pf1czYlo #profhacker #highered #academia # Students Push Their Facebook Use Further Into Course Work :: http://t.co/RWteGsDE #socialmedia #highered #facebook # 10/26/11 PHD comic: 'Halloween 2011' :: http://t.co/DNvq8bAh # Finding the Best iOS App…
Since I work from home, it’s hard to stay focused some days. There are a multitude of distractions that come into play when your office is attached to your home, even when you live alone. As an academic I’ve spent…
No, You Aren’t Amber Cole’s Father :: http://t.co/dEVZuzzu # TSA encourages blogger to “get her freak on” after finding vibrator in bag :: http://t.co/yg3dZFtZ # Surprise! We’re Not Just About Abortion and Condoms :: http://t.co/UFu5RGjf # Federal Judge Blocks Provision…